The Expert Panel on Modern Federal Labour Standards held round table discussions with employers, employees and interested organizations in Vancouver last Thursday and Friday. Very well attended. As a reminder, there are 5 issues under consideration including the federal minimum wage, a collective voice for non-unionized workers, whether to extend labour standards to non-standard workers, the right to disconnect from e-communications outside of work hours and access to and portability of benefits.
On April 26 we heard from those of you in Atlantic Canada in the private federally-regulated sector! Excellent comments from all! We also held consultations in Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto. This has been a wonderful opportunity to connect with the private federal sector across the country. Thanks to everyone.
We have a few smaller consultations to hold and then the Expert Panel moves to writing our report to the Federal Minister which will be made public. I’ll post it here for those of you who would like to read it. For more information, contact Kathryn.