Since 2001 the BOYNECLARKE Christmas Families Fundraising committee has raised funds to support local charities, and families with purchasing gifts, necessities and food for the holidays.

This year, the committee consisted of BOYNECLARKE employees: Juanita MacKenzie (Chair), Marilyn Conrod, Cara MacLeod, Deloris MacNeill, Kelly Naugle, Lisa Nimmo, Adam Perry and Janice Purdy.

Local HRM Boys and Girls Clubs look forward to the yearly contribution and when called upon, they are quick to respond with families that fit the criteria provided.   The committee started out with a goal of sponsoring four families and as fundraising allowed, they would take on additional families. 

This year, the BOYNECLARKE Christmas Families Committee has been successful in fundraising just shy of $7,000.

With these funds they have been able to make the following donations:

The families are taken out to shop for gifts for their children and other necessities. All were presented with a gift card to allow them to pick up groceries for the holiday season.

BOYNECLARKE would like to thank the Christmas Families Committee and all those who supported the fundraising efforts.

As well, a huge thank you is passed along to Forbes delivery for delivering all the donations that needed to be delivered free of charge. 

Best Wishes for the Holiday Season!