Business owners often avoid calling on legal counsel until after a problem has outgrown their control. Cost concerns, or a focus on just “getting it done”, can cause this reluctance to pick up the phone. Some business owners may have had some experiences that make them wish they could have a lawyer on the payroll, but just can’t fit it in the budget. A General Counsel may be the answer. An effective business lawyer can quickly and efficiently respond to the range of issues that confront businesses in day-to-day operations, helping you to achieve your objectives without undue cost or delay.
Let BOYNECLARKE LLP be your General Counsel
Has your business grown to the point where you have a need for regular legal work, but you cannot justify the expense of a full-time, so-called “in-house” lawyer? Or maybe you have an in-house lawyer, but work has grown to the point where that lawyer is relying on a lot of external help. Have you experienced impersonal service and the high billable rates of law firms? There is an alternative. We can provide cost-effective and business-smart options to retain a lawyer who can personally guide you through your business dealings on a basis that will allow you to manage business risks and costs.
Peter D. Stanhope is an experienced lawyer and former general counsel to a well-known company. He has advised business owners and managers through a great variety of transactions, both special and routine, and is used to working in a fast-paced and practical environment where decisions have to be made quickly.
How can he help you?
Business Formation
It does not matter if you are just starting your business or in the thick of it trying to be more successful, Peter can help you to:
- Select a business form that is the best for your business
- Keep your business compliant with applicable legal requirements
- Develop and maintain better business relationships with customers and suppliers
- Protect your business name and intellectual property assets
- Hire and fire your employees, and develop good employment policies and practices
- Negotiate contracts
- Access solid but not bank-breaking legal advice on a responsive basis
Corporate Governance
There has been a lot of talk about good governance in recent years, due to high-profile corporate disasters that have filled newspapers and brought the word “corporate” a bad name. However, not much attention has been paid to this subject by small business. Corporate governance is nothing more (or less) than good systems and procedures to ensure effective and ethical business decisions can happen. Peter has experience both in the boardroom and as an advisor to boards in both the profit and not-for-profit sectors.
Risk Management
Many problems that can cost you a lot of time, money and aggravation in business can be avoided. A simple risk identification exercise can help you to fill gaps in your strategy; gaps that could implode your business if they are not mitigated. If you are being sued, it’s too late. We may be able to help you successfully defend the suit, but not before you have had many sleepless nights and written many unexpected cheques. The time to develop a relationship with a good business lawyer is before you are sued. While you would likely prefer never to need to hire counsel, the cost of keeping you out of trouble is only a small fraction of the fee a lawyer will have to charge to get you out of trouble once it has happened. Peter can review your operations and strategy to identify those areas of possible risk that should be addressed; areas that may have been overlooked while your business has grown.
Everyone would like to operate on the strength of a handshake, but this is not realistic in today’s business environment. Good contract management can make you more effective and profitable. It can also expedite dispute resolution. Peter can help with any contract, whether with vendors, customers, service providers, or other third parties. If you want to be sure, get it in writing … good, clear and effective writing. Whatever your contractual needs, whether it’s drafting for a special project or creating standard forms, talk to Peter about options tailored for your industry and business requirements.
Work Over Flow
If you are an in-house counsel, you may find you periodically need someone to help fill in a gap on a part-time, short-term or contractual basis. You may not have highly specialized work, but you may have just too much of what you are perfectly qualified to do, without a business case for adding personnel. Peter can help. As a former general counsel, Peter has the skill and experience to quickly understand and fulfill your requirements, whether short or long term.
The most oft-cited disincentive to calling a lawyer is the fear of unanticipated cost. We can structure fee alternatives, whether as retainers or flat fees, so that there are no hidden costs or hourly fees that seem to add up while you sleep. We can tailor individual arrangements that work for you and our firm. Peter understands budgets and knows how businesses measure performance. He will work with you to ensure you have the benefit of general counsel, without losing sight of your budget and business requirements. If you opt for predictable fees and service agreements, you have the guarantee of Peter’s time and attention when you need it.
This information has been provided for general reference only. For advice on an actual matter, you should consult a lawyer. To contact a member of our team call us at 902-469-9500 or 1-866-339-3400 or contact us online to make an appointment.